
Photo: Amos Ben Gershom, GPO
Trusts the Israeli security establishment. sharon
Photo: Amos Ben Gershom, GPO
Photo: Hanan Greenberg
Egypt to deploy some 800 troops along Philadelphi Route if Sharon has his way
Photo: Hanan Greenberg

‘Let the Knesset decide’

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says he would present issue of Egyptian deployment along Philadelphi Route for Knesset approval; adds, ‘Road Map will follow pullout’

JERUSALEM - In what is considered to be a surprising development, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has decided to submit the agreement on the deployment of Egyptian forces along the Philadelphi Route in south Gaza for the Knesset’s approval.


Sharon’s decision comes despite the fact that Attorney General Menachem Mazuz determined the law does not require the Knesset’s approval on this issue.



“The deployment of small numbers of Egyptian troops along the route is an important issue,” Sharon said Tuesday during a meeting with President Moshe Katsav.


“There is no problem in the Knesset discussing the matter, but on the other hand, I believe it is important the decision would support the deployment of Egyptian troops along the (Philadelphi) route to prevent (weapons) smuggling,” he said.


“It is important to clarify that the Egyptian forces would replace forces that are already situated there. The Egyptians will make an effort to prevent smuggling, but when it comes to Israel’s security I trust the security establishment alone. This was also made clear to the U.S. State Department. There will be no concessions within Israel’s borders.”


Sharon told Katsav the pullout would consist of only one phase, saying, “There will not be another pullout - what must come later is Road Map.”


“But it must be kept in mind that we may move on (to the Road Map) only if total calm persists – an end to the terror, the disarming of terror organizations and the implementation of a series of reforms within the Palestinian Authority,” he said.


“Only after all of these conditions are met we will be able to continue with the Road Map.”


Sharon also addressed Monday’s fake bomb incident in Jerusalem’s central bus station, saying, “We view all attempts of disorderly conduct with great severity.”


“The security services and the police are taking action, and dozens of activists are already under arrest,” he said.


“The goal is not to allow the disruption of daily life in any way; the judicial system will not tolerate unruly behavior in the future.” 


In recent weeks Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Chairman Yuval Steinitz and other right-wing Knesset members have launched a campaign to bring the plan on the deployment of Egyptian troops along the Philadelphi Route for Knesset approval.


What is Egypt up to?


Steinitz filed a plea with the High Court on the matter that said, “The deployment agreement creates an essential and significant change in the peace treaty (between Israel and Egypt).”


Knesset Member Uri Ariel (National Union) also filed a plea with the High Court and demanded the Knesset decide on the issue.


In an unprecedented move, the Knesset subcommittee on Intelligence and Security Services issued a letter to security cabinet members stating, “Unfortunately we cannot rule out the possibility that Egypt’s insistence to situate some 800 soldiers with armored vehicles in the Philadelphi area is meant to breach the total demilitarization principle.”


“Why else would the Egyptians insist on (deploying) 800 soldiers instead of the 800 civilian police officers (currently deployed in the area) that do not violate the demilitarization principle?” the letter said.


“The evidence placed before us clearly shows the Egyptians view this as an opportunity to begin reasserting Egyptian sovereignty in east Sinai.”


Steinitz said in response to Sharon’s decision, “It is a shame that it was necessary to form of a Knesset majority and file pleas with the High Court for Sharon to respect Israel’s democratic tradition.”


Sources close to Sharon said they believe the Knesset would approve the Egyptian deployment plan.


פרסום ראשון: 07.12.05, 13:19
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