“We call on the public that is not heading south with the Yesha Council to hit the roads Wednesday at 5 p.m. for about an hour, and then join their brothers moving south to Gush Katif, “ the group said. “As the police will be in the south, there will be no officers to stop the blockers.”
'Police will collapse'
The organization also called on pullout objectors to arrive at the anti-disengagement rally planned for Tuesday in the southern town of Sderot by walking in the middle of roads. The group also slammed the intention to block buses carrying protesters from reaching the rally.
‘If someone is stopped on the way to Sderot Tuesday,” a group member said, “we call on all those stopped not to listen to the police…until they explain why they are following a blatantly illegal order that curbs the freedom of protest and movement.”
“With God’s help, the threats, the psychological pressure, and the long lineof honking motorists behind you, police officers will collapse and realize no cop dare stop the people of Israel,” the group’s announcement said.