Jihad threats have been made against Sweden
Photo: AP
A group using the name of Iraqi jihad group Ansar al-Sunnah has released videos showing what it claims are members training for terror attacks in the Swedish countryside.
By News Agencies
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In one video, dated August 8 2005, the group says that viewers are about to see a “demonstration of the high explosives device, that we will use in the name of Allah.”
“This was recorded somewhere in Sweden,” says a message on the video in yellow letters against military camouflage colors.
A large explosion is then seen in a heavily wooded area. While it is not possible to verify the location of the explosion, the scenery does appear to be northern European.
A second video by the group, which is dated August 29, contains images of men with blurred out faces setting off mock suicide explosives and roadside car bomb attacks.
The video begins with a message which reads: “Demonstration of real high explosives device, that is filled with gas instead of ammoniate nitrate.” It goes on to show men standing in a clearing in a forest. They are seen pulling chords attached to devices, and setting off explosions of white smoke around themselves. In the same video, a red vehicle is seen driving along a forest path, before suddenly being engulfed in an explosion of white smoke.
The videos are available for download on infovlad.net, which frequently posts videos of jihad shooting and bomb attacks from around the world, along with documents containing bomb making manuals.
'Suffer in the name of Allah'
One user on the site, who identified himself as 'Dehex,' warned that “Sweden will suffer in the name of Allah.”
Referring to a well known Swedish reverend, Runar Soogard, who is reported to be under police protection after offending Muslims with a speech about Islam’s prophet, Muhammad, Dehex wrote: “Runar Soogard had a very bad and nasty speech about our greatest prophet Mohamed.”
“It's because he doesn't wan't to apologyze to the Ummah Nation on at least television. Thats why they are giving out this videos as a warning! There will be one more warning, if he dosen't apologize on television…” wrote the user, in an ominous warning.
‘Dehex’ also posted an image showing a bloodied knife plunged into a map of Sweden, accompanied by the message: “We will slaughter all who dared to attack our prophet Mohamed.”
'Sweden has a problem'
Speaking to Ynetnews, Israel’s former ambassador to Sweden, Zvi Mazel, said he was not surprised by the presence of jihad movements in the Scandinavian country.
“Sweden is scene to violent demonstrations by radical Muslims, who are often joined by the far left,” said Mazel.
“In the middle of a talk I was giving in Stockholm, we were suddenly told by security personnel that there was an Islamist anti-Israel demonstration, in which members of the crowd were smashing windows with iron bars.”
“The Swedish press says that Sweden has immunity from terror due to its anti-Israel stance,” added Mazel.
The former ambassador also painted a grim picture of the situation for Sweden’s Jewish community. “There are harassments and physical attacks against Jews in Sweden,” he said. “There are many complaints about anti-Semitism among the Jewish community there.”
“There is a big problem in Sweden. Jihadist organizations certainly have a potential infrastructure there,” he added.