F-16 aircraft
Photo: Hanan Greenberg
The Gaza Community Mental Health Program and the "Physicians for Human Rights - Israel’ group have petitioned the High Court of Justice to immediately halt Israel Air Force supersonic booms over the Gaza Strip during flights over the area.
The petition included the professional opinion of psychiatrists who argued that the booms are causing considerable emotional damage to the Palestinian population and children in particular.
Anat Bershkovsky
Supersonic booms created by IAF jets as part of effort to deter terror groups in Gaza taking their toll on Israeli communities in area; Kibbutz Nirim resident says, ‘All day long there are booms. It is most frightening during the night; you have to sleep really well not to wake up from them.’
Physicians argue that the supersonic booms heard in Gaza overnight have caused anxiety to children who live in constant fear because they cannot differentiate supersonic booms from missile explosions. Most children suffering from anxiety have nightmares and complain of dizziness and headache, the physicians added.
The Gaza Community Mental Health Program stresses in the petition that it is opposed to the firing of Qassam rockets into Israel, acknowledging the fact that the booms are a reaction to such attacks.
“It is a collective and inappropriate punishment that hurts the honor and rights of the residents, and it is in contradiction to the Geneva Convention and the International Convention for the rights of children,” claims the ‘Physicians for Human Rights - Israel’ group.
Israeli citizens living in communities around Gaza have also complained of the booms caused by IAF flights over the Gaza Strip.