Tom and Jerrry. Jewish conspiracy?
The Iranians' hate toward Israel and the Jews seems to be driving them crazy.
This is the only possible explanation for the new war declared by the Iranians. An Iranian official recently lashed out against Tom and Jerry, the illustrated cat and mouse, Israel's leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday.
Hatred of Jews
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Hasan Bulkhari, a senior adviser to the Iranian education minister, said a number of days ago that Hollywood created the animation series as part of a Jewish conspiracy aimed at changing the perception of dirty mice, resulting from the comparison the Nazis made between Jews and mice.
Bulkhari explained that "the mouse is the wise and smart one, and he violently beats the poor cat. And yet, this cruelty does not cause you to despise the mouse. He looks so nice, and he is smart."
"The program was produced in an attempt to erase the image of the mouse from the minds of European children and to show that the mouse is not dirty and that he even has nice characteristics," the Iranian official charged.