
Chairman: Boaz Wachtel

Ale Yarok

Chairman: Boaz Wachtel



  • The Ale Yarok (Green Leaf) party supports equal human rights, boosting individual freedoms, the right for homosexual marriages, and the legalization of soft drugs.


  • The party pledges to protect nature and the environment and to introduce government subsidization of organic agriculture.


  • The party backs an ongoing struggle against road accidents and calls for better treatment for the victims of violence, hard drugs, and alcohol.


  • The party will promote government help for artists and back animal rights. The party also supports the notion of two states for two nations, Israel and Palestine.



Party History:


The party was formed in 1999 and is focusing on the battle for the legalization of soft drugs. The party competed in elections for the 15th and 16th Knesset, but failed to win any Knesset seats.



Notable figures:


Boaz Wachtel


פרסום ראשון: 03.13.06, 20:25
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