Shinui's Ron Leventhal
Photo: Ofer Amram
- Party supports continuation of peace process with Palestinians in accordance with Road Map initiative, as long as the Palestinian Authority undertakes all efforts to curb terrorism.
- Israel will keep large settlement blocs, while other settlements will be evacuated, paving the way for the creation of a Palestinian state. Party backs compromise on Jerusalem that would maintain the city's unity under Israeli sovereignty, with maximal consideration given to the rights of the Muslim and Christian population.
- Committed to struggle against religious coercion while maintaining Israel's Jewish-Zionist character. Party backs separation of religion and state, freedom of and from religion, equal government allowances to every child, recruitment of yeshiva students to military or national service, public transportation on the Shabbat and civil marriages.
- Party backs free economy premised on private initiative and devoid of government bureaucracy, privatization of government companies, and taxation that encourages work, creation and investment. Party also committed to uncompromising battle against corruption.
Party history:
Shinui was formed in 1974, several months after the Yom Kippur War, by a group of professors from Tel Aviv University seeking to protest the failures that led to the war. Shinui's big breakthrough came in 1999 after journalist Yosef (Tommy) Lapid accepted an invitation to head the party, which identified its main objective as fighting religious coercion. In the last elections, Shinui won 15 Knesset seats, becoming the country's third largest party and joining Ariel Sharon's coalition, with Lapid designated as justice minister.
In party primaries ahead of the 2006 elections, longtime Shinui member Avraham Poraz lost the second spot, leading to a party split certain to weaken the faction in the upcoming elections.
Notable figures:
Ron Leventhal
Ilan Leibovitch
Ehud Rassabi