Dayan. Brave?

Rabbi Melamed. Mischievous act
Photo: Zoom 77

Rabbi Sherlo. Foolishness
Photo: Shaul Golan

Rabbi Aviner. Reopening wounds
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Prominent rabbis praised over the weekend Staff Sgnt. Hananel Dayan's refusal
to shake Chief of Staff Dan Halutz's hand during an awards ceremony that was held about a week-and-a-half ago.
"Let's hope that Hananel's mischievous act reflects a new state of mind among our youth – a fresh and bold atmosphere," Bracha settlement Rabbi Eliezer Melamed stated in a brochure distributed in synagogues across the country this weekend.
Dayan Vs. IDF
Tal Rosner
Hananel Dayan, the commended soldier who refused to shake Chief of Staff Dan Halutz’s hand during Independence Day ceremony, threatens to petition the High Court if not reinstated to his unit. Soldier’s attorney: 'there was no violation'
"Excelling soldier Dayan won the opportunity to publicly protest against a callous chief of staff. The national-religious population's main problem is that it lacks public courage, and therefore fails in leading the country. Despite its sons' great and commendable bravery in the battlefield, this public fears too much for its image and ends up being humiliated and lacking in influence," Rabbi Melamed wrote.
Safed's Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the son of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, wrote in the brochure: "When Brigadier-General Tal Russo came to speak with the rabbis we thought that a new leaf was being turned. But each time the chief of staff opens his mouth we learn that he intends to continue tearing the people apart. Hananel therefore acted with wisdom and I laud him for that."
"Anyone who in the name of Judaism stands tall and does not give in deserves many praises. Hananel gave strength to people, and I hope many would follow his example," Rabbi Eliyahu added.
Different voices
Meanwhile, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner of the Beit El settlement expressed a slightly different view in the leaflet. "We should not be dealing with such things. It's like reopening old wounds and does nothing to cure them. We need to build up our strength, courage and faith. We must have more unity among the nation. This would cure everything," he stated.
Head of the Petach Tikva hesder yeshiva Rabbi Yuval Sherlo was the most moderate contributor to the pamphlet. "I feel that both sides acted foolishly," he wrote. "The soldier should not have been so rude and use the ceremony to express a political stance. My view in principle is that we should not conduct our struggle against the army. On the other hand, the IDF – which is the strong and powerful side in this incident – acted in a childish manner and with hysteria and stupidity," Sherlo concluded.