
Photo: Amir Cohen
Sderot kids protesting against Qassam fire
Photo: Amir Cohen

State to transfer millions to Sderot kids

Government set to approve NIS 7.5 million (USD 1.7 million) funding for summer vacation activities in rocket-battered town

The government is set to approve Sunday the transfer of NIS 7.5 million (USD 1.7 million) for the purpose of funding summer camps and other educational activities during the summer vacation in Sderot, in a bid to alleviate the situation in the Qassam-battered town.


The cabinet is also due to vote in favor of establishing a team that will formulate a program to fortify education facilities in the region, and to extend the validity of tax and municipal rate benefits for the residents of the near-Gaza communities until 2008.


The Israel Nature and Parks Authority will hold on Monday a day of recreational activities for 750 of Sderot's children at the Yarkon National Park. The activities will be sponsored by several companies that have donated tens of thousands of shekels for the event.


Reuven Weiss contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 06.18.06, 09:54
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