Photo: VisualPhotos
Depeche Mode is not alone: Leading French producer and television host Arthur cancelled his Israel tour which was due to start on Monday night following his technical crew’s decision to avoid Israel for security reasons, Eden Cinema, the Israeli production company, told EJP.
The French Jewish star said recently he was determined to perform in Israel even though the country is currently under attack but that his crew and producers would make the final decision.
“I often visit Israel because many of my relatives live there but when you’re an artist with a whole crew things are not that simple,” Arthur, whose real name is Jacques Essebag, said recently.
“In some Israeli towns I was supposed to perform outdoors and that is complicated in a crisis situation.”
Arthur was scheduled to perform on Monday night in Eilat, on Tuesday in Netanya and the next night in Jerusalem.
This tour would have been his first in Israel.
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Arthur started his career as radio host and moved from one success to another, becoming one of France’s most popular TV figure.
After years of top ratings in his own shows Arthur started producing reality TV programs with Endemol, such as the French version of the Star Academy, earning fortunes.
Arthur, who is married to a top model, decided over a year ago to become a comedian.
Encouraged by fellow Jewish comedian and friend Gad Elmaleh, Arthur started touring with his show “Arthur en vrai” or “Arthur in real life”.
Perceived as a millionaire who is trying to indulge himself with a luxurious hobby, critics have been harsh on his performances.
Reprinted with permission of the European Jewish Press