Jethro Tull
Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull's soloist and flutist since 1967, is due to appear in Israel on October 16th, 2006 for the fifth time. Anderson will be playing in concert with the Raanana Symphony Orchestra set to take place at the city's famed amphitheatre.
As of now, it doesn’t appear as though the concert is likely be cancelled.
"I am not afraid to appear in Israel, although when I come to a place like Israel, I know it's not a picnic by the Thames. I am aware of the tension and it saddens me." Anderson said.
When asked whether he is afraid to come to Israel, Anderson responded by saying that he is but he is also afraid to cross the street, and to wake up in the morning.
"We live in a frightening world," he says but doesn't believe in succumbing to terror.
"Last July, there were terror attacks in London, and people got back on the trains the next day. Terror can never win, and we can't really defeat it." Anderson added.
Tolerance and mutual respect
Anderson believes that the mindset of terrorists can't be changed by brut force, but those of the next generation can. He says it's society's and parents' duty to teach their children values, tolerance and mutual respect.
"But as long as there are parents who allow their children to sow the seeds of hate and intolerance, they are in many ways encouraging it."
Anderson's performance in Israel marks the end of the bands' European tour. He doesn't plan on bringing his valuable flute to Israel with him.
"My good flute will stay at home," he said explaining that there is always a risk of loss or damage when going on tour.