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Akko in the 50’s: Between the walls

A voyage through old and beautiful images depicting the north of the country, taken from an angle of coexistence and renewal. The artist, Ari Glass, who resides in Akko, captures moments of the Old City’s dual existence

In the shadow of war and heavy battles, this time we shall embark on a voyage through time in the northern city of Akko, a city that has known better times and where Jews and Arabs live side by side. It is where new and old, different religions and faiths and remnants of previous cultures have inspired many artists who went there to work, paint and take photographs of its picturesque alleyways.


Ari Glass (1897-1973) was born in Germany. World War I halted his plans to study engineering and he was recruited into the army where he became a commando officer and later a combat pilot. At the end of the war, he enrolled in art studies and begun teaching art in Berlin. His son Uzi was born in Germany, later going on to become the developer of the fames Uzi assault rifle.


With the rise of the Nazi regime, Ari made aliyah to Israel and settled in Kibbutz Yagur where he painted, took photographs and taught art. His knowledge in photography and his training as a pilot came in useful for the Haganah (the Jewish resistance movement) as well, where he assisted in flights aimed at collecting intelligence information prior to the establishment of the State of Israel.


In the 50’s, Ari left the Kibbutz and settled in the Old City of Akko. The photographs shown here were taken during that period. A large selection of his works, paintings, photographs, etchings and prints were held by his grandson Gal, who passed on the collection to the laboratory at Bitmuna.




פרסום ראשון: 08.14.06, 09:38
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