
Photo: Yoad Cohen
Nominated: Arkadi Gaydamak
Photo: Yoad Cohen

Request: Give Arkadi Gaydamak Israel Prize

An academic, Petah Tikva’s mayor, and a senior army official recommend that the Israel Prize Committee, put Gaydamak’s deeds in Israel’s history books by awarding him with the Israel Award

Petach Tikva Mayor Itzhak Ohayon, Brigadier-General (Res.) Hanuch Milo, and Social Studies Investigator Dr. Shlomo Tzaduk sent a letter Tuesday recommending the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement - Special Contribution to Society and the State be given to Arkadi Gaydamak.


The letter spoke of the war with Lebanon and said that although many wanted to contribute their money and strength to aid those caught helpless in the midst of a terrible situation, one man stood out above all the rest.


“The remarkable man we recommend is Mr. Arkadi Gaydamak,” the three wrote.


Tzaduk explained, “This man, whom I don’t know and whom I have never met, has invested up to USD 100 million in special social projects. That and that alone is enough to evaluate him.”


Tzaduk concluded, “Israel must record this man’s deeds in the history books, just as the establishment of the tent city in a place of honor in the book of Chronicles.”


פרסום ראשון: 09.12.06, 14:13
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