
Photo: Niv Calderon
Israeli-British partnership
Photo: Niv Calderon

UK: Former MP Fitzsimons appointed new BICOM CEO

Politician, staunch supporter of Israel to take up post as new head of Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre on October 9. Fitzsimons says she plans to be proactive, promote Israel's issue in UK

The Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) today announced that Lorna Fitzsimons has been appointed as the organization’s new Chief Executive Officer. Lorna will take up her post on October 9 2006.


Lorna Fitzsimons is the former Labour MP for Rochdale (1997-2005) and for nearly 20 years she has been one of Israel’s most consistent supporters. Fitzsimons first visited Israel in 1989. Since leaving Parliament in 2005, Fitzsimons has established her own consultancy business and has become a Senior Fellow at the Defence Academy, the UK’s leading higher education institution for the armed forces.


Announcing Fitzsimons’s appointment, Poju Zabludowicz, Chairman of the Board of BICOM, said: “I am delighted to announce that Lorna Fitzsimons has agreed to be BICOM’s new CEO. Lorna has consistently been a great friend of Israel. She has a wealth of campaigning experience. Lorna is an excellent campaigner and I believe that under her leadership BICOM can realize its full potential to create a better understanding of Israel and promote stronger ties between Britain and Israel.”


Clear objective  

Lorna Fitzsimons said: “It is both an honor and a challenge to be appointed as BICOM’s new CEO…The politics are clear: Israel is at the forefront of a struggle that has a direct impact on us here in the UK. The notion that we can sacrifice Israel and then Israel’s enemies will leave us alone is not credible and is downright dangerous."


“Our objective is clear: We cannot sit back and lose this argument as it will fundamentally undermine all of our futures,” she added.


“I have always believed that if you take the argument to people, rather than sitting back and being reactive, you not only educate them but you also close down the space for the enemies of Israel. It is clear that the last few months have seen us, as Israel’s advocates, on our back foot and my appointment is a signal that this is going to change," Fitzsimon stated.


פרסום ראשון: 09.29.06, 08:53
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