Minister Boim meeting immigrants upon arrival
Photo: Eli Elgarat
A delegation from the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, lead by Minister Ze'ev Boim and Ministry director Erez Halfon, will leave for the United States and Canada this week for a series of job fairs aimed to bring thousands of Israelis home.
The fairs will expose a variety of job opportunities to the Israelis living abroad, including aid in setting up businesses, absorption of research and development personnel in academic institutes and integration in various positions in the market.
For the first time Israeli companies are joining the effort: Teva, Intel and Manpower will all offer employment solutions for workers and actual jobs in Israel.
According to the ministry's figures there are currently 700,000 Israelis living outside of Israel. 60 percent of them (420,000) are centralized in North America, which is where most of the returning Israelis came from in 2005 (4,200 Israelis). About 25 percent live in Europe and the remaining 15 percent live in other locations around the world.
Between the years of 2004-2005 the ministry recorded 7,489 returning Israeli immigrants, most from North America. According to research conducted by the Immigrant Absorption Ministry 46 percent of Israelis living abroad reported employment stability was the deciding factor in their potential return to Israel, coming before education for their children and housing.
The job fairs will be held in six locations, selected according to the concentration of Israelis living near them. Minister Boim said Monday evening that "Encouraging the return of Israelis living abroad is one of the primary goals of the Immigrant Absorption Ministry." The ministry is also considering a package of tax breaks and grants to encourage Israelis to return home.