Signing peace accord at Camp David - 1978
Photo: Government Press Office
It's been 27 years since the Camp David accords were signed, but the vast majority of Egyptians still see Israel as an enemy state. A poll conducted by an Egyptian state institute determined that Israel and Denmark were not only the least poplar foreign countries among the Egyptian public, but that they were also considered enemy nations.
The poll, made public on Wednesday, showed that 92 percent of respondents see Israel as an enemy – despite the lasting peace agreement between the two countries. Only two percent believe that Israel is "a friend to Egypt."
But Israel shouldn't feel lonely on the enemy shelf – 60 percent of respondents say that Denmark is an enemy of the Egyptian Republic. A view which likely stems from Muslim rage over the publication of caricatures of the prophet Muhammad Danish daily 'Jyllands-Posten' last year. 90 percent of Egypt's population is Muslim. Coming in third on the most-hated list is the United States, 50 percent of respondents said they saw America as an enemy of Egypt.
And which countries have been crowned as 'friends' of Egypt? The list is topped by Saudi Arabia, Libya, the Palestinian Authority, Sudan and Syria.
The poll was composed of the replies of 1,000 Egyptian adults (over 18 years of age).