Qassam rocket
Photo: Amir Cohen
Despite the Israel Defense Forces ongoing operation in the Gaza Strip, seven Qassam rockets landed in the Western Negev Saturday evening.
Six rockets landed in open fields, while a seventh scored a direct hit in a house, leaving its residents in need of treatment for shock.
The head of the Eshkol regional council Uri Naamati, said the Qassam fire will intensify the more military pressure the IDF exerts on Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip.
"It is a given situation that we have been dealing with for over five years. They fired at us in the past and will fire at us in the future, unfortunately. In our community only kindergartens and some educational institutions are protected and we look forward to complete fortifying schools and start fortifying people's homes," he said.
Seven Palestinians were killed by the IDF during incursions in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, bringing the death toll to 43 since Wednesday when Operation Autumn Clouds was launched.
A soldier sustained severe wounds to the head in exchanges of fire with gunmen in Beit Hanoun.
Palestinian terror groups vowed to launch attack against Israeli targets to avenge the killing of 43 Palestinians.