Israeli-born celebrity psychic Uri Geller, best known for his spoon-bending antics, says the power of the paranormal led US troops to the fugitive Iraqi ex-dictator.
"You remember when they found Saddam Hussein in Iraq? A soldier walked over to a rock, lifted it and then found a trap-door and found him in there," Geller told Reuters.
"Well, I know that that soldier walked over to that rock because he got information from a 'remote viewer' from the United States."
Geller, who says he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency during the Cold War, said his information came from a high-level source involved in US paranormal programs.
A US military spokesman in Iraq had no immediate comment. At the time of his capture, US commanders said a source close to the fugitive had given him up under interrogation.
A Brazilian psychic tried last year to claim a USD 25 million bounty offered for Saddam's capture, saying he had described the hiding place in letters to the US government.