
Golden Temple, India

Menashe tribe members held up in India

Indian authorities holding up aliyah of Menashe tribe members by delaying landing permits

The aliyah of 218 members of the Menashe tribe from India may be postponed in wake of India's delay in issuing travel permits.


The 218 people in question, who underwent conversion by a special rabbinical court authorized by the Chief Rabbinate last year, were due to arrive in Israel on November 21st in a joint effort carried out by the Friends Association at the Jewish Agency and the Shavei Israel Association.


The Friends Association donated NIS 5 million to finance the aliyah project, for which a special aircraft was chartered and set to land in Mumbai to bring the group to Israel.


The Indian authorities were not happy about the media commotion surrounding the event, and when they were asked for the special landing permits in Mumbai, they responded by saying that the permits would only be issued at the end of December, namely a month after the due date.


It is estimated that the Indian authorities are not opposed to members of the Menashe tribe coming to Israel, however they are asking that the project maintain a low media profile, so as not to create inter-faith opposition to their conversion. In the past, the Indian authorities protested the conversion arguing that it breaks the law forbidding missionary activity in India.


Israeli officials involved in the project reported that talks are being held in an effort to resolve the problem. The option of the Menashe tribe members arriving on a regular flight and not on a chartered flight is also being examined.


Foreign Ministry and Absorption Center officials said:" The 218 Menashe tribe members are expected to arrive in Israel within the next few weeks, the Israeli government and the Jewish Agency are in touch with the relevant authorities in an attempt to resolve the issues at hand."


פרסום ראשון: 11.09.06, 21:56
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