Kosher McDonalds branch. Coming soon to Ramat Aviv mall
Photo: Shaul Golan

Ramat Aviv mall: No more cheeseburgers
Photo: Ricky Cohen
The McDonalds fast food franchise in the Ramat Aviv mall is going kosher.
According to branch employees, preparations were being made to make the facility kosher, and in a few days, there will be no more cheeseburger or dairy products available for sale, and the ice creams would be separated from the meat.
Golden Arches
Shoshana Chen
(VIDEO) McDonalds posts new blue-and-white logo on its kosher restaurants to clearly distinguish them from fast food chain's non-kosher branches
“We received orders from above that the branch was to go kosher within a few days,” a branch employee said.
The McDonalds branch in the Ramat Aviv mall has never been kosher since its establishment. Israel’s McDonalds CEO Omri Padan is not interested in the franchise's branches being kosher, and only makes them so when he has no choice.
McDonalds’ management said that it was McDonalds that initiated the decision to make the Ramat Aviv branch kosher, and it was it is located in a mall that closes on Saturday’s anyway. There are four other non-kosher McDonalds branched that operate in the area.
The owner of Ramat Aviv mall Lev Leviev explained, “It was a private initiative of the McDonalds chain itself. I have no connection to McDonalds’ decision.”
Meanwhile, McDonalds opened another kosher branch at the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva. This new addition brought the total number of branches in Israel to 119, 14 of which are kosher.