
Photo: Ronen Boidik
Search for Sela
Photo: Ronen Boidik
Photo: Tel Aviv Police
Benny Sela
Photo: Tel Aviv Police

Manhunt for fugitive rapist costing State millions

Special funds allocated to cover cost of fuel, overtime, helicopters, advanced tracking devices in search for escaped convict

The first three days of the manhunt for fugitive serial rapist Benny Sela have cost the country some NIS 15 million (USD 3.5 million), according to police and Finance Ministry estimates.


Thousands of officers were summoned to conduct the search for the escaped convict, costing authorities millions in overtime; additional funds were allocated toward fuel for the motorized vehicles used in the chase, helicopters and advanced tracking devices.


In general, IDF and Israel Police request a budget extension for such unexpected expenses, and the Finance Ministry tends to grant them at least partial funding.


The fact that the search is being conducted toward the end of the year will make it difficult for the police to allocate additional funds for the search, and therefore it appears that the State will be forced to cover the costs. 


פרסום ראשון: 11.27.06, 08:58
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