Postcard collection from 100 plus years ago
Collection of illustrated postcards from beginning of 20th century gives us peek at forgotten landscapes, lost media outlets long before video conference, emails. 'I am sending you this memory of our last trip so that you don't forget me, Heaven forbid. I sincerely hope that you will forgive my silence until now,' is written on one of the postcards. First in a series
Telegram of congratulations for Moshe and Zehava's marriage.
Zehava's father, Isaac Ben-Tovim, was active in the Haredi Yishuv and the couple had the privilege of knowing the Israel of the beginning of the 20th century. Many postcards and letter from throughout Israel, neighboring countries and Europe were sent to their home. Zehava kept the correspondences and left them to her daughter Shifra Lancet, who has presented some of the postcard collection here in memory of her family.
Greeting card from Jaffa, Friday, Tammuz 23, 1900
Most of the postcards were sent before the First World War and depict landscapes of the Land of Israel during that time period.
King's Tombs, Jerusalem
Message on the back of the postcard: "Shalom to my dear friends- Mrs. Zehava and her brother Baruch Ben-Tovim, How are you, my dears? My Yossef traveled today to Beirut for two days or so. Peace to you and your family. Write to us from time to time on what is happening in Jerusalem. Your friend, Zippora Lifshitz. Haifa, Iyyar 9, 1908"
Road next to Mount Carmel, Haifa
Carmelite Monastery on Mount Carmel
Message on the back of the postcard: "The nuisances of time and various public events tied me up this week and I didn't even manage to show any signs of life. I truly hope you will forgive my silence until now. I am sending you this postcard as a memory of our last trip and so that you won't forget it, Heaven forbid. For us in Tel Aviv, life is gurgling like a brook. Don't laugh! The club we set up in the last days before your trip from here is developing splendidly and we meet from week to week and organize trips on Saturdays. The last trip was to Ouja River. From there, we sailed in boats to the seven stations and returned by foot an hour late to Tel Aviv…" Jaffa, Heshvan 7, 1915
Happy New Year. From the Fromkin family. Egypt, September, 1917