Blocking the street
Photo: Courtesy of activistiills
A group of 20 activists from the organization "Anarchists against the Wall" blocked the Basel compound in Tel Aviv Thursday afternoon in protest of the West Bank security fence. The group arrived at one of the intersections in the area and spread a barbwire fence they took from a security fence construction site.
The group hung warning signs on the fence saying, "Life danger! Military zone. Any trespasser is risking his life." Yonatan Pollack, spokesman for the organization said that "The purpose of the activity on Basel Street was to illustrate and remind the residents of Tel Aviv the mobility limitations and land grabbing which is going on every day only a few kilometers from here in our name and our responsibility."
Barbwire across Basel Street (Photo: courtesy activestiills)
The organization includes dozens of Israeli, Palestinian, and foreign youths who are protesting the construction of the fence which, according to them, harm the rights of the Palestinian population and takes away their lands. Every Friday the organization participates in a demonstration near the village of Bilin. Often these protests turn to be violent.
According to Pollack, the decision to block Basel Street was symbolic since the area is a busy area with many people and coffee shops. He explained that it was done to "shake up the Tel Aviv public from its obliviousness towards the fence issue."
Police reported that a squad car arrived in the area after reports came in that objects are being thrown on the street, but the protestors were gone when police arrived.
Avi Cohen contributed to this report