False killer Whale
Photo: Omer Armoza
Rare sight in Eilat: Some unconventional guests arrived at the fish cages in the Gulf of Eilat Thursday. A pack of 14 false killer whales, which included females and calves, arrived on the Israeli shores from the Indian Ocean. It is unusual that they would arrive in the Gulf of Eilat.
The false killer whale is considered an endangered species. The last time this kind of whale was seen near Eilat was many years ago. Despite its threatening name, the false killer whale is not dangerous.
The weight of an adult false killer whale can reach 1.5 tons and its average length is 9 meters (about 27 feet).
The Haifa-based Israel Marine Mammals Research and Assistance Center estimated that the arrival of the pack of whales in the region is due to the fact that they are attracted to the food found around the fish cages in Eilat.
According to IMMRAC spokesperson, Miri Kalifa, "This is the first time that such a large pack of whales has been observed off the shores of Eilat, and it is definitely exciting."
"We see them jumping and playing in the water, and we estimate that they will stay here another few days, and then will return to the Indian Ocean by way of Sinai," Kalifa said.