
Nahum Barnea

Two heads (relatively) better than one

Ayalon should lead Labor party while Barak heads Defense Ministry

In the Greek Zorba by Nikos Kazantzakis, two women squabbled over a widow's inheritance while she was still quivering between life and death. The Labor party has a living leader, or at least thought to be alive, who is fighting for his status within his party ranks while also, at least judging by his timetable, doing everything a defense minister is supposed to do.


Namely, he partakes in discussions, goes on excursions, and with pomp and ceremony pins on the ranks of cadet pilots. Despite this, the power struggle over the leadership of the Labor party is being conducted as though he is a thing of the past. There's no point in devising plots to oust him, he has already been ousted.  


Judging by current events, Labor party activists are likely to be called upon to choose from among four candidates (in alphabetic order): Ami Ayalon, Ehud Barak, Ophir Pines-Paz and Amir Peretz.


The main fight is likely to be held between Ayalon and Barak - between the admiral and the general. At the ballot box it will say the elections are being held for the post of party chairman, but in fact they will also be held to elect the next defense minister. For the first time in Israel party members will be called upon to elect a defense minister.


This dualism is somewhat confusing. It's one thing to elect a party leader. It's a completely different matter electing a defense minister. As Peretz's lame term in office has demonstrated, not everything that is successful in politics is necessarily successful in the defense arena.


The admiral and the general

Ami Ayalon is considered to be one of the most upright people in the political system. His integrity was put to a difficult test when he was appointed to head the Shin Bet following the assassination of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Of all the defense organizations, the Shin Bet was the craftiest.


For decades it functioned above the law: Suspects died during interrogations, justices and attorneys were deceived. Ayalon rose up to fight the age-old practice. He did so despite the fact that the Shin Bet was in the midst of conducting a bitter war against suicide bombers.


Ayalon's integrity is a crucial asset for his party. It is particularly important at this point in time when a sense of public corruption seems to be widespread. Ayalon is likely to succeed where Mitzna failed - portraying a clean party.


Ehud Barak was enthusiastically received when he ran for the premiership in 1999. The enormity of enthusiasm equaled the ensuing disappointment and anger. It was hardly surprising, therefore, that upon being defeated at the polls in 2001 he chose to travel abroad. It seemed like the nation was choking him out.


Barak has not changed in the six years that have elapsed since then. People don't change at such an age. He is that same gifted spectator, brilliant and sober and he knows how to analyze political and defense scenarios better than anyone else, but he doesn’t have enough patience, the ability to engage in talks, or the understanding of the human psyche to change the situation for the better. His mind is broad, his hand is short.


Nonetheless, there is no other candidate more proficient and experienced as he in defense matters. Neither Pertez nor Pines-Paz or Ayalon, who commanded the Navy and the Shin Bet, two relatively small units existing within a vacuum. It should be noted that a defense minister in the current government will be required to function in two arenas: One for himself and one for what Olmert is missing.


Pines-Paz thought up an idea that may contain a measure of rationale: To separate the posts of Labor party chairman and defense minister. Pines-Paz submitted this proposal for personal reasons, but it can be taken further.


Ami Ayalon could lead the Labor party and he could do so with integrity, faith and with an emphasis on social matters the Avishay Braverman way. Ehud Barak can take up the post of defense minister and handle defense matters. Perhaps we'll finally get some good out of him.


פרסום ראשון: 01.08.07, 23:07
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