Israel should bomb Gaza quickly, Palestinian blogger says
Eilat suicide bombing prompts journalist Fadi Abu Sada to publish blog on Palestinian News Network; Abu Sada says, ‘If Israel attacks houses in Gaza and attempts to target the leaders of the Palestinian resistance, this would be the only solution to stop the fighting’
Following the suicide bombing in Eilat Monday, Palestinian journalist Fadi Abu Sada offered his two cents on the attack and the infighting in Gaza through his blog on Palestinian News Network:
“Israel poising to respond on Eilat attack, it could be by the aerial bombardment and artillery, or perhaps they will try to assassinate Palestinian resistance leaders, what a ironically, we really want that to happen quickly, it might be the only solution to stop the bloody fighting between brothers in the Gaza Strip.
“They said that the shedding of Palestinian blood is a red line, which has happened to them, the Red waldem become everywhere in the streets, hospitals and houses of Gaza, what remains of taboos that they talked about!
Hamas gunmen (Photo: Reuters)
“No Palestinian faction, and no one seems to be now able to mediate between fighters, and stop the bloodshed, either Arabs and their calls on the parties to meet in the country, and it does not seem that anyone actually will respond to that, despite the welcome media practitioners.
“It's defective to reach such thinking, to call Israel to stop this shameful chapter in the chapters of the Palestinian case, if there is case still after all that has already happened and is happening.
“But if this is the only option, there is no problem in this, if this will remind the fighters for a moment that the occupation is still perched on us, because it seems to be lost on their chest.
“Publicly, we believe that Israel has already bombed the Strip, some of the weapons and missiles, which we use against each other, not used ever against the occupation and its mechanisms.
“We can no longer regret anything, what is happening already killed every emotion, we will not regret if we got more pain, and if Israel attack houses in Gaza and attempted to target the leaders of the Palestinian resistance, that this would be the only solution to stop the fighting.
“The great tragedy would be that Israel did not do what we hope, I do not know where cycle of blood and revenge ongoing will lead us, no one even responded to the appeals of citizens to go down to the streets in an attempt to stop the bloodshed, and this confirms the loss of the sense of anything.
“If the matter was my decision, I called for the elite and dignitaries that leap and stop what is happening, but it seems more evident now that there dignitaries originally, because if they are found, they certainly will stand idly by what is happening.
“No many options left: Either do same as what happened in Eilat, either go to hell, or leaving the country with shame of what's happening.”