Shmuel Gonen
Photo: Niv Calderon
"In sorrow and grief we announce the passing of our beloved State of Israel," read an obituary published in Ha'aretz newspaper Tuesday as one angry man's final attempt to bring about a change.
According to the notice, the State "was murdered by wicked gold-diggers who only sought power, men who would fight and argue. Those who destroyed you (Israel) came from within you."
Death notice reads: "In sorrow and grief we announce the passing of our beloved State of Israel which was murdered by wicked gold-diggers who only sought power, men who would fight and argue. Those who destroyed you came from within you."
The notice was ordered by 60-year-old Shmuel Gonen of the central city of Kiryat Ono, who stressed that he was not mourning the establishment of the State, but the fate to which it has fallen.
According to Gonen, the situation in the country has become unbearable. "The State has come to resemble a banana republic. Officials stand trial for financial and other offences. There is no accountability," he said.
"The government offices are like ping-pong tables; ministers don't last more than three-four months in office, nothing can be done at this rate. There are Knesset members who act like they are in the circus," he continued.
The "wicked gold-diggers" Gonen referred to in the notice are no other than the State's leaders.
"If there are income-tax heads being prosecuted, if there are serious investigations within the police, if the prime minister and the State comptroller are at war and the prime minister and the defense minister are barely talking – how can a country be run like this?" he wondered.
'Israelis complain but do nothing'
Gonen said he was angry with Israel's citizens themselves, saying, "All they do is munch on seeds, complain, and do nothing."He defined the Israeli public as good people, but said they act like a herd of sheep and the blood of the finest among them is being spilled.
Gonen did not specify how much the notice cost him, but said it was "a significant amount of money, a few thousand shekels."
"I don't care about the money; I care more about the State. I do what I can for it, and this notice was also a way of acting," he said.
Gonen said that he received countless phone calls from readers who called in a display of identification and support. Nonetheless, he is doubtful that they will act.
"I am not that naïve to think that every one of those who called me will do something. The public is tired, and each one is busy with their own business."
"I don't want to sound like someone who is grieving the establishment of the State of Israel, the State is strong and we have been through a lot of suffering, but it is a pity that pure blood is spilled in wars and road accidents. There are people who give their souls and spirits, and there are low-lifes running the State," he concluded.