Foreign Ministry
Photo: Sebastien Scheiner
Boaz Modai, Head of the Instruction Branch in the Foreign Ministry, admitted to harassing a woman in his office, police told Ynet Wednesday.
The man's former employee submitted a complaint to Jerusalem police, after receiving late-night hang-ups from an unidentified phone number for several weeks.
Police opened an investigation and discovered that the anonymous caller was Modai. According to one police source, he admitted to the calls, explaining that the woman had spread a rumor that he had been having an affair.
This had cost him many sleepless nights, he said, and thus "there was no reason for the complainant to sleep well."
Jerusalem police reported the incident to the Foreign Service commission, along with a recommendation that Modai stand trial. In the meantime, he received a restraining order.
Modai's position is considered one of the most respected and high-ranking in the ministry. Among his other duties, he is responsible for the ministry's envoy training course, including the selection of candidates.
He has served in the position for the past three years