Fertility rate
Photo: CD Bank
An Israeli woman has 3 children on average, making Israel more fertile than all European countries.
Fertility data submitted by the Health Ministry to the World Health Organization showed that for every 1000 Israelis 24 babies are born each year.
The European yearly average is 10 babies for every 1000 citizens.
In the UK, the average is 12 newborns, while in France and Germany the average is 9.
The data have also shown that Israel had a relatively young population with 28 percent of its citizens being aged under 14.
Israel also faired well on life expectancy which was found to be 80 years. The European average is 79.
Doctors, dentists
The data also showed that Israelis consumed less alcohol on average each year than any other European nation, with 1.65 liters per citizen. Luxembourg and the Czech Republic are first and second in alcohol consumption with 14 and 13 liters.Twenty-five percent of Israel's adults smoke, much higher than Sweden's 16 percent and Belgium's 20 percent but lower than Greece's 37 percent and Germany's 34 percent.
Data submitted by the Health Minister also showed that Israel had on average more doctors and dentists than most European countries.
With 7,625 dentists and 25,058 doctors, Israel has 113 dentists (only second to Greece with 120) and 372 doctors for every for every 100,000 citizens.
European countries have on average 317 doctors and 61 dentists for every 100,000 people.