
Qumran stream
Photo: Ido Maor

4 hikers killed in floods near Dead Sea

Four were caught up in flood near Qumran stream. Seven others rescued. Fourteen hikers were temporarely stranded near Mitzpe-Shalem

Tragedy at Qumran stream: four hikers were killed Saturday afternoon in flood near the Dead Sea. The four, part of a group of 11 hikers, were pronounced dead at the scene by search and rescue medical team. Seven other hikers were rescued at the site.


The Megilot search and rescue team, alongside volunteers from the Ma'ale Adumim police station, the Air Force extraction unit and Magen David Adom arrived at the scene and reported that "when the water started rising, four were caught up in the stream and seven were able to get away."


Flood at Qumran stream. (Photo: Ido Maor)


Ma'ale Adumim police station also received reports of 14 other hikers, temporarely stranded near Mitzpe-Shalem. They were later rescued. 


Saturday's storms brought on the flooding of streams near the Dead Sea and the Judea desert, and warnings of possible floods in Negev streams as well. Qumran stream is known for flooding almost every year.


Several roads were cut off by floods, and police forces from Ein Gedi and Megilot are patrolling the stream in search of stranded hikers. Ein Gedi search and rescue team commander Chief Superintendent Mano Barak said streams in the area are overflowing, and the public must follow safety procedures.


Lilach Shoval, Anat Bereshkovsky and Boaz Dayan contributed to this report


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