
Photo: Air Force
Would have liked to fly for IAF: Rosenberg
Photo: Air Force

American pilot leaves everything to serve in IDF

A new female pilot has joined the IDF ranks of Home Front Command, not Air Force

Gila Rosenberg (23) from the US has always dreamed of serving in the IDF. "I have visited Israel many times and always wanted to be recruited," she says.


She gained her pilot's license at the US Flight Academy and then started to fly for American Airlines. She soon got promoted to First Officer and flew huge Boeing airplanes. But she never forgot her IDF dream.


Several months ago she decided to do something about it. She quit her job and announced that she was going to Israel to live her dream.


She was recruited with the status of a "lone soldier," a soldier with no immediate family in Israel. Although she is a pilot by training, she was stationed in the Home Front Command's Search and Rescue unit.


"I would have liked to serve as an air force pilot, but because of my age and language problems I don't think that will happen. I hope that in the future I will be able to find work in Israeli civil aviation," she said.


Reuven Weiss contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 05.20.07, 12:31
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