
Winograd Commission
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Winograd Commission to decide on warning letters

Prime Minister Olmert among potential officials to be warned by war probe committee. Letter will allow him to defend himself in front of panel

The Winograd Commission members are expected to decide in the coming weeks whether to send warning letters to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Defense Minister Amir Peretz, former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz and other senior officials regarding their responsibility for the failures of the Second Lebanon War, Ynet has learned.


If the committee decides to send warning letters, this would imply that the final war report would include personal conclusions against those officials.



The committee members are currently examining the warning letters issue. The decision is expected to influence the nature of the second round of testimonies and the date of the final report's publication.


According to the current timetable, the committee will publish the final report after August. If the committee decides to send warning letters, the publication of the final report will be postponed.


Prime Minister Olmert recently asked to appear before the committee once again. Warning letters will allow the potential officials who may be warned by the committee to defend themselves.


The final report is expected to deal with the political echelon's decisions during the war, including the decision on the ceasefire conditions and last two days' fighting, after the adoption of the Security Council resolution.


The Winograd Commission was troubled by the last 30 hours of fighting and had presented the witnesses with many questions on this issue.


Additional issues which will be addressed in the final report include the building-up of the force which fought in Lebanon and its operation, the training of commanders, the relations between the political and military echelons in terms of using military force as part of the strategic perception of the goals of the State of Israel, the general ethos of the Israeli society, the handling of the Home Front in terms of preparedness, the operational perceptions, and the war's results.


פרסום ראשון: 06.06.07, 17:12
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