
Prof Weiss
Photo: Eli Mandelbaum

Cursing professor to be probed

Police decide to launch investigation against Bar Ilan professor Hillel Weiss, who wished IDF officer dead

The Judea and Samaria Police decided Thursday to launch an investigation against Professor Hillel Weiss who is suspected of incitement for cursing IDF Hebron brigade commander Colonel Yehuda Fox during the evacuation of Hebron settlers this week.


"May your mother be bereaved, your wife be widowed, your children be orphaned and may you be struck down in the next war and any memory of you be erased," Weiss was heard saying during a protest against the evacuation.


The Bar Ilan professor also said that "the policemen are worse than the Nazis."


Following the incident, which was caught on video by Ynet's cameraman, the head of the Investigation Unit at the Judea and Samaria police launched a criminal examination of the statements, which turned Thursday into a full-fledged investigation.


Bar Ilan University president Prof. Moshe Kaveh said the university was considering steps against the offending professor.


"Weiss' words were chilling and should be condemned and denunciated. We are looking into taking serious steps against him," Kaveh said. He praised the police's decision Friday morning to open a criminal investigation into his case.


Weiss' statements stirred much criticism among public figures and citizens, and a Modi'in resident even went as far as filing a complaint against the professor Wednesday. Another complaint was filed against Weiss Thursday by Oshra Assaf, the wife of one of the policemen who took part in the evacuation.


"If there is a professor who wishes an army officer such things, we needn't be afraid of the situation in the Middle East, but rather of the rift among Israelis. He should be fired," she stated.


IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi also criticized Weiss’ verbal attack against the IDF commander, saying “a society that does not honor its fighters is headed for trouble”.


פרסום ראשון: 08.09.07, 11:13
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