
Beinish, head of the legal system
Photo: Yossi Zamir, Flash 90
Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann
Photo: Yaron Brener
The peacemakers Shamgar and Barak
Photo: Yaron Brener

Beinish, Friedmann to reconcile

After weeks of arguments between Supreme Court president and justice minister, former Chief Justices Shamgar and Barak reach compromise agreement which includes cooperation, and 'mutual respect'

Retired Supreme Court Justices Meir Shamgar and Aharon Barak published a "compromise formula" in their "peace agreement" with Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann to solve the tension between the minister and current Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish.


The former presidents said it was agreed in their meeting that "the Supreme Court president and the justice minister will cooperate to promote the legal system, while acknowledging the president's position as head of the legal system, and acknowledging the justice minister as responsible for the orderly management of the courthouses in the spirit of the tradition of mutual respect."


It was also written that "the minister and the president both feel that processes should be promoted, including legislation, to determine independence in the legal system and create internal mechanisms for its administration through cooperation".


Shamgar and Barak's interference in the matter came following weeks of tense relations between Judge Beinish and Minister Friedmann.


Friedmann's spokesperson recently published a statement in which the "orchestrated attacks on the justice minister" were criticized. Beinish wrote a letter to Friedmann in which she said he was endangering the legal system.


The rift between Beinish and Friedmann came to a head last week in a dispute between the two over the appointment of court presidents.


Justice Beinish opposes the justice minister's proposal to establish committees which will indentifty candidates for the position of court presidents and their deputies. Although the minister is authorized to decide on the appointments, they are subject to the Supreme Court president's approval.


פרסום ראשון: 08.15.07, 17:16
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