
Winograd Commission
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Court heeds Winograd call for early hearing

High Court agrees to push forward hearing on IDF petition to avoid deferal of final report

The High Court of Justice on Wednesday agreed to a request by the commission investigating last summer's war in Lebanon to push forward a hearing on a petition submitted by the IDF advocate general.


The Winograd Commission asked the court to hold the hearing on a petition by the army that officers faulted in the commission's final report be warned in advance.


The government-appointed commission told the court that September 4 was the latest date to hold the hearing without having to defer the publication of its final report.


The IDF Advocate General said the Winograd Commission should either send letters to officials mentioned in the report or omit their names altogether.


The commission, which was tasked with investigating the war's management, hired a private attorney to represent it at the hearing. Commission head, retired Justice Eliyahu Winograd, said it was inappropriate for Attorney General Menachem Mazuz to represent his commission against the army.


פרסום ראשון: 08.15.07, 23:10
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