While thousands of children were making their way to school Monday morning, the Color Red alert was heard in Sderot, followed by two loud explosions. Two Qassam rockets landed outside of town, causing no injuries or damage.
Another rocket landed near a kindergarten in town shortly after; several people suffered shock and a house was damaged.
A mother of a child who attends the kindergarten said: "They called my and said that a rocket landed near the facility. I ran there and found all the children terrified and in tears. The kindergarten teachers tried to calm them."
Another rocket landed later just outside Sderot, causing no injuries or damages.
Earlier, Palestinian gunmen fired three rockets from northern Gaza; the Qassams landed in open fields near Sderot. No one was injured and no damage was caused in this attack as well.
An overall of seven rockets hit the southern town during the morning hours.
Panic and hysteria
Sderot residents told Ynet that the rockets fell while their kids were on their way to their schools and kindergartens. "When the alarm went off, the bus driver stopped near one of the fortified houses. He asked the girls to run and hide there," a mother said.
"My daughter called me terrified and in hysterics. Now she has to start her school day in such a state. I still don't understand why they decided to open the school year in Sderot. Our children are studying under Qassam fire," she added.
The parents association in Sderot said it was a mistake to open the school year with rockets falling on the city on a daily basis. "We are receiving plenty of calls from parents. We believe that under these circumstances we cannot have normal schooling," association members said.