
Names and compatibility




My name is Shoshana, and my boyfriend’s name is Assaf. I wanted to know if we’re a good match for each other. I’m not a girl any more and am now at the age where I want to start a family and not waste time. -- Shoshi, Central Israel



I’m not an expert on the meaning of names. However, in my opinion, it’s not necessary to check if names are compatible. Instead, one should check if the couple’s natures are compatible.


As you’ve noted, you’re “not a girl any more”, and therefore, it’s a shame to waste your time with these kinds of tests.


Why not try using plain common sense? If you feel that the man in question is well-matched to you and if he seems to be a good person who would make a suitable husband for you - then apparently he is, in fact, your Heavenly-ordained match.


May you have much success, and may you make the right decision.


(Rabbi Shmuel Nechushtan)


פרסום ראשון: 09.11.07, 14:22
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