
Engagement ring


I proposed to my fiancée, and the wedding will take place next summer. The question is: do I have to buy an engagement ring or is it a foreign custom that we adopted? -- Shaul, Tel Aviv



You’re not obligated to purchase an engagement ring.


However, it’s a beautiful custom, which recalls the accepted practice during the period of our Sages. In those days, the groom would bestow bridal gifts – known as “sivlonot” – upon the bride, in order to endear himself to her.


Nonetheless, you may want to consult with your fiancée first. Sometimes, buying flowers every week can have the same effect. In fact, although the financial outlay involved is considerably less, the increased effort speaks for itself…




(Rabbi Yaron Ben David)


פרסום ראשון: 09.11.07, 14:22
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