
Pregnant women and Yom Kippur


Must a pregnant woman fast on Yom Kippur? I’m in the early stages of pregnancy, and my doctor advised me not to fast – even on Yom Kippur. I generally do fast on Yom Kippur. What should I do? -- Leora, Central Israel



In principle, we rely on the doctor’s opinion; if a doctor says not to fast, one should not fast.


However, some doctors routinely tell all their patients not to fast, because they lack confidence, etc. If you feel that this is the case in your situation – and you don’t have a specific problem such as low iron, dehydration, or other related conditions – you may want to consult another physician. Or, you can ask your rabbi to speak directly to the doctor.


May everything go well for you.


(Rabbi Chanoch Chaimovitz) 


פרסום ראשון: 09.27.07, 10:59
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