
A street in Jaffa
The Zion Gate in Jerusalem
At the Dead Sea
The Western Wall
Boats near Jaffa

Pictures from the attic

In a moldy crate in a dusty attic in England, Oded Reikin stumbled on slides documenting Eretz Israel 100 years ago

During the 1970s Oded Reikin was an envoy to England on behalf of the Agrexco agricultural company. During one of his trips throughout England he came across an antique shop in a remote town. Oded, who collected old photographs of Eretz Yisrael, asked the proprietor whether he had such photos and was referred to the attic.


Oded climbed to the second floor of the shop and started rummaging through the dusty boxes. Finally, he came across a wooden box with a glass slide in it. When looking at it against the light that came in through the attic window he saw a picture of the Western Wall. He could not contain his excitement, particularly after finding two more creates full of slides.


As Oded did not have much money, he suggested giving the proprietor's wife a crate of oranges from the Holy Land (in addition to the small amount of money he had). Following negotiations, the proprietor agreed and the photographs are being shown here.


The slides' captions were missing or were not clearly visible. Oded contacted an expert at Sotheby's England who dated the photographs to 1900-1910.


 The Dome of the Rock at the Temple Mount

 Rachel's Tomb near Bethlehem

 Entrance to the Tower of David (near the Jaffa Gate)

 Urban area, a view fom the cemetery

 Jericho's mud houses

 A desert shepherd

 Girls bearing clay jars

 The Golden Gate, Jerusalem

 The train in Jaffa

 Another view of the Dome of the Rock

 Worshippers at the Western Wall

Shoppers, who recognizes the place?

 Swimming in the Dead Sea

Tourists visiting the Jordan River


פרסום ראשון: 10.04.07, 07:39
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