
Inviting non-observant parents


May we invite our parents over for the festival – even though such a trip involves driving, because they don’t observe Shabbat or the festivals? – Lilach, Northern Israel



You ask a particularly hard question. However, if inviting a guest – even one’s own parent - involves desecration of the Shabbat, it is difficult to permit such an invitation.


The mitzvah (Torah commandment) of honoring one’s parents does not make allowances for supporting or participating in Shabbat desecration.


Why don’t you try and find a more appropriate time and opportunity – which will not involve Shabbat desecration - to invite your parents to your succah?


Good luck.


(Rabbi Shmuel Nechushtan)


פרסום ראשון: 10.18.07, 15:40
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