
Significance of the weekly portion


How can I determine what was the parshat hashavua (the weekly Torah portion) on the day that I was born? I was born on 5 Tamuz 5737 (June 21, 1977). Also, is there any connection between that parsha and things that are happening in my life? -- Yael, Central Israel



On Shabbat, 9 Tamuz 5737, the portion of Chukat from the Book of Numbers (19:1 – 22:1) was read in synagogues throughout the world.


As far as that parsha having any connection to events in your life, I suggest that you read it and decide for yourself.


In general, Hassidic thought is replete with the idea that each and every Jew has a corresponding letter or section of the Torah which is unique to him or her. However, the sources make no mention of the significance of the specific parsha read the week that an individual person was born.


(Rabbi Dror Brama)


פרסום ראשון: 10.18.07, 15:40
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