
Photo: Liquidlibrary

12-year-old girl hospitalized after being drugged, raped

Police arrest two 13-year-old boys as suspects. Girl dosed with date-rape drug, taken to hospital in serious condition

Two 13-year-old boys were arrested Sunday on suspicion of drugging a 12-year-old girl with rohypnol, commonly knows as the date-rape drug, and raping her.


The girl was taken to the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera, unconscious and with visible signs of violence on her body. She is said to be in serious condition.


An initial police investigation revealed that the boys brought the girl to one of their home, were they allegedly drugged and raped her. The girl was later found by the father of one of the suspects.


According to the police, the last few years have seen a rise in the use of rohypnol, or the date-rape drug, which causes blackouts and short-term memory lose, making those who are exposed to it susceptible to victimization.


Some 40 cases of rohypnol related assaults were investigated in 2005.


פרסום ראשון: 10.28.07, 11:08
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