Peace Now has decided to step up their fight against those objecting to the Annapolis peace conference. Members of the left-wing movement plastered dozens of posters depicting Minister for Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad under a caption reading "Objecting to Annapolis – the anti-peace coalition".
The posters were hung in the early hours of Monday morning in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the West Bank settlement of Nokdim, where Lieberman resides.
According to Peace Now, the campaign is meant to show that "the whole world is supporting Annapolis, besides the Israeli Right and radical Islam.
"The anti-peace coalition" poster
"Lieberman managed to strip Annapolis from its original content, playing right into the hand of Hamas and Iran, which want to see the peace conference fail," said a statement by the movement.
"Instead of isolating Iran and reinforcing the moderate forces, Lieberman and his allies are working to isolate Israel by turning it into a peace- dissident," Yariv Oppenheimer, head of Peace Now, told Ynet.
Peace Now are not unique in their use of political personas as means of provoking controversy: Just two weeks ago The National Jewish Front, headed by Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gvir, plastered posters of president Shimon Peres wearing a kaffiyah, reading "the Arab's president releases terrorists."
Peace Now petitioned Attorney General Menachem Mazuz asking he orders a police investigation be opened against Marzel, Ben-Gvir and the National Jewish Front, citing abuse of the right to free speech.