Reprinted cartoon in Denmark press
Photo: AFP
Qassam as response
Photo: Alex Zager
After the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip and the targeted killings, the Palestinian organizations have found a new reason for firing Qassam rockets on southern Israel: Cartoons published in Denmark denouncing Prophet Muhammad.
Global Rage
Associated Press
Thousands demonstrate against sanctions imposed on Hamas-controlled Gaza, reprinted Muhammad cartoon. 'I'm here to defend our religion and our prophet against the harmful cartoons and to call for lifting the siege on Gaza,' says protestor at mosque
Six Qassams were fired from the northern Gaza Strip towards the western Negev since Sunday morning. All the rockets landed in open areas, without causing injuries or damage.
The Salah al-Din Brigades, the Popular Resistance Committees' military wing, claimed responsibility for firing the rockets. The organization's spokesman, Muhammad Abed al-Aal, told Ynet that the firing operation, dubbed "the lines of fire", was a response to the "crimes of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians," but also "in response to the cartoons published in Denmark degrading the memory of Prophet Muhammad.
"The Palestinian resistance has committed to respond to the cartoons, and this is our initial response," he added.
Asked why the residents of Sderot and the Negev should pay the price for cartoons published in Denmark, Abed al-Aal responded, "The Jews have also hurt Islam and have also hurt the Koran in their prisons, as part of the plot to harm Islam and the memory and status of Prophet Muhammad.
"The Palestinian resistance will not let Israel's crimes and the smearing of Islam's symbols go unanswered," he said.
Addressing Sderot Mayor Eli Moyal's willingness to reach a ceasefire with Hamas, Abed al-Aal said that the only way for the residents of southern Israel to feel safe is to leave their houses and the entire area.
"We won't give them peace and security as long as they fail to stand up against their government and its aggressiveness, as long as one Palestinian child is suffering, and as long as there is one Zionist soldier on the land of Palestine," he said.
Denmark's five major daily newspapers republished on Wednesday one of the 12 drawings of the Prophet Muhammad which angered Muslims around the world, as a protest against a plot to murder one of the cartoonists.