Rabbi Aviner: No means no
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin
Fight off your attacker: Women attacked by rapists are permitted to kill them to ward off the attack, Beit El Chief Rabbi Shlomo Aviner ruled in a newsletter published Saturday.
Wiped Out
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“In either word or deed, fight him off. Yell out loud so that everyone can hear you. If he touches you, slap him. If he attempts to do worse, and there is no other choice, you can kill him…yes, kill him,” Rabbi Aviner wrote.
The rabbi also noted in his article that his advice falls well within the guidelines of Israeli law, which is also on his side. ”A young man broke into a woman’s apartment and wanted to have his way with her. She killed him and the court ruled that in this instance she had the right to use reasonable force in order to defend herself, and that her actions were justified.”
In an article entitled “Don’t Let Men Harass You” the Rabbi urges women to resist all forms of sexual harassment, either in word or deed, and advises women “to not allow men to treat them like an object for their own use and pleasure.”
“Don’t be afraid to fight back against harassment, even if it is in the workplace and even if it involves a superior,” writes the rabbi. “Women’s organizations will gladly be there for you and help you fight back. You will not be on your own.”
That being said, Rabbi Aviner cautions complainants that the road that lies ahead for them will not be a simple or easy one. “The harasser will not give in easily. He will say that you asked for it, initiated it, enticed and seduced him with provocative clothing, etc. Don’t worry, however, women’s groups will help you through it.”
In the latter part of his article Rabbi Aviner cites statistics that indicate that there are over 50,000 cases of sexual abuse in Israel among women between the ages of 25-40. Moreover, 25% of religious women report that they have been sexually harassed. “Most were harassed by someone they knew, most chose to remain silent…” stated the Rabbi.
What is the rabbi’s solution for this widespread problem? “We should put 50,000 men in jail, so that others see, learn and realize that when a woman says ‘no’ it means just that.”