Smoke above Gaza refugee camp
Photo: AFP
Gaza residents are facing a difficult reality as the IDF continues to pound the Strip, but a local resident says the intense military activity is unifying the Palestinians.
Ron Ben-Yishai
Army creates new equation in Gaza aimed at eroding Hamas’ power ahead of incursion
Muhammad al-Nadi told Ynet that the Palestinians have "nothing to lose."
"The Israelis are the ones who escalated the situation when they killed given Hamas men this past Wednesday," he says. "Now we want more and more attacks, and more and more Qassams. You should hear how the kids speak about Hamas and Jihad fighters adoringly."
"Since Friday we stay in the house and are not going to the market or anywhere else," al-Nadi says. We constantly hear the echoes of the bombings and firing of the jets."
Al-Nadi resides with five more families in a four-story building, but since Wednesday all of them have gathered at the ground floor, for fear of being hit by Air Force bombings.
"The army fired at the water reservoirs on the roof so we have no water, and all that is left is one water tank for more than 30 people," he said. "I haven't eaten since morning to keep food for tougher days.
PRC: Israel will sink in Gaza swamp
Meanwhile, Popular Resistance Committees Spokesman Abu-Mujihad told Ynet that the Palestinians are gaining the upper hand in the fighting so far."Stop the offensive and we'll talk about calm," he said. "If you want war, you'll get war." The equation is not the casualty toll amongst us compared to you, but rather, whose morale is higher. Do the calculation to see who is winning."
Abu-Mujihad said that the Israel army has failed as it fears face-to-face clashes with the Palestinians.
"If they are such heroes, I say bring it on. Come down to the ground and we'll fight face to face," he said. "If two of your soldiers died in the only ground clash near the fence, think about what will happen deep in the territory when you get entangled in the Gaza swamp."