A portion with a twist – Every Wednesday a group of fifth graders from Enriched Jewish Studies (TALI) schools in the greater Jerusalem area meet up to tape a weekly radio program on Jewish topics and for an hour or two, they discuss the weekly portion, holidays or other events.
“This is a new and unique program, which provides enriched Jewish Studies in public (secular) schools,” says Nava Tal, who initiated the unusual radio spot.
“I’m proud of the children who, while planning and producing the segments, discover that the ancient Jewish sources are relevant to their lives.
"In this day and age, when the young generation is criticized for being superficial and limited, I am happy that we have children who are interested in learning their heritage and deepening their knowledge of Jewish culture, in our schools.”
The first segment - "Beginning at the Beginning", in which the various topics of the weekly portion from the book of Genesis was discussed – was broadcast three months ago.
The children touched on various topics connected to the Weekly Portion from the book of Genesis. Another program revolved around the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shvat, ecology and the Shmita year; and the third segment intends to tackle charitable acts and will include an interview with President Shimon Peres. The show will also include a call for support for the children of Sderot.
The project is based the Kagan Center for Community Media Communications, in the Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem.
The segments air on “Voice of Kagan" – the educational station of Israel Radio, on Radio 106 FM.