
Holocaust survivors
Photo: Gil Yohanan
MK David Tal

France to help Tunisian Holocaust survivors get restitution from Israel

At MK Tal's request, France to issue certificates proving Tunisian-born survivors lived in areas under Nazi rule so they may be eligible for compensation

France will provide Tunisian-born Holocaust survivors with documentation proving that they lived in areas under Nazi rule so they may be eligible to receive compensation from the Israeli government, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Thursday.


An Israeli court ruled recently that thousands of Tunisian-born people who lived under Nazi rule during World War II will be granted survivor status and receive compensation accordingly.


Following the decision the survivors' representative, Attorney Ilan Ya'akobovich, demanded that the Treasury transfer the compensation payments, but was told that his clients must first produce certificates proving that they were born in Tunisia and lived in areas that were under Nazi occupation.


Tunisian-born Knesset Member David Tal (Kadima) asked French Ambassador to Israel Jean-Michel Casa for help, as Tunisia was under French control until 1956.


Following an examination by French authorities, MK Tal was informed that France would issue the necessary certificates for Tunisian-born survivors based on its population registry and archive material. In addition, the French government promised to turn to Tunisian authorities on the survivors' behalf and request that they transfer any documentation that may help their case.


Tunisian-born survivors or their relatives who are interested in obtaining certificates from the French government can contact MK Tal's Jerusalem office at 02-6408395 or send an email to [email protected] 


פרסום ראשון: 05.15.08, 11:51
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