Syrian Defense Minister Hassan Turkmani said on Tuesday that his country was prepared to increase its military cooperation with Iran.
The Iranian news agency 'Fars' reports Turkmani expressed this willingness to General Yahya Rahim Safawi, a trusted military advisor of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the former commander of the Revolutionary Guards.
"Iran and Syria share the same viewpoint regarding regional issues and efforts will be made to strengthen our shared interests and bilateral relations," said Turkmani, who was dispatched to Tehran to reassure the outraged Iranian leadership following the resumption of negotiations with Israel.
The defense minister confirmed the statement released by the Iranian defense ministry regarding Syria's intent to increase military cooperation with its chief ally.
This is the third day of Turkmani's visit, the first for a senior-ranking Syrian official since the talks between Israel and Syria were made public. On Monday Turkmani labeled his country's relationship with Iran as "historic and strategic."
During his visit, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged Syria not to desert "the fight against the Zionist regime."